Saturday, May 12, 2007

Mother's Day

Growing up, I always attempted to make something special for Mother’s Day. I would write a letter or make something with my hands. My Mom always seemed to treasure these gifts that were made with my hands and my heart. I am embarrassed to say that now that I have moved away and have my own family, I have grown out of the habit of demonstrating my appreciation for my mom. However, this is not to say , that I appreciate her or love her any less. This year, I am 7000+miles away from her but my mind is focused on her and this special day. I thought I would do something different this year and send a message to her on my blog.

You were my first example of love that I witnessed on this earth. Your selfless sacrifice was demonstrated to me and my siblings, growing up. Now, you demonstrate that sacrificial love to your grandchildren, who love you with all their heart.

Mom, thank you for all that you have done for me as I grew up. Thank you for the love that you gave/give to me so freely, even when I did not deserve it. Do you remember a time; I must have been about 10 years old, when you found a hastily scribbled note that I wrote in anger some time before? The note said “I hate you Mom and I mean it!!!” After all these year, I still remember the look of hurt in your eyes as your read my thoughtless gibberish. Mom, I am sorry for the pain that I have caused you over the years. I am sure that you were disappointed in me more times than I care to remember. Even disappointed, you remained supportive of me as a person and loved me through it.

I would imagine there are times when you wonder why I am serving in the Air Force, with the constant moving, the deployments, and the danger. I believe I am serving my country in this capacity because of my need to serve and sacrifice for the good of others. You taught me about service and sacrifice. You taught me that by your example. You showed me service when you made meals for the neighbors when they were sick or alone during the holidays. You showed me sacrifice when you made sure that we had what we needed, never once thinking about what you needed.
Mom, thank you for your example and your sacrifice to me and so many others.

I love you, Mom. Happy Mother’s Day.

Your son,
